Course Information
The UC Berkeley IEEE Student Branch’s Micromouse DeCal is a hands-on course aimed at undergraduates with an interest in robotics. In the class, teams of ~2 students are formed to build and program autonomous, maze-solving cars that follow the standards set in IEEE’s Micromouse competition.
The course assumes no experience and will be based around a series of labs and project milestones that cover a wide range of robotics concepts. The course will expose students to CircuitPython programming, autonomous navigation, sensors, PID, and basic electrical engineering, while preparing them for an in-class competition at the end of each semester. Teams are also provided with the opportunity to qualify for funding to attend competitions among other schools in California and neighboring states.
All necessary parts will be provided to students at no cost.
Enrolling in Micromouse
The Micromouse Discord is live:
This semester the Decal will take place in Cory 125 on TIME , starting DATE GO HERE. Make sure to fill out the application!
Note that the slides on this page are just for preview. They’ll be updated before lecture and posted after.
There are no formal class prerequisites, we will teach you all that you will need to know in order to successfully assemble and program your mouse :)
Grading (pass / no pass) will primarily be determined by your attendance and lab checkoffs, deCals are for your enjoyment and you will get much more out of them if you attend every session.If you have any questions regarding your standing please reach out to a staff member.